Bravecto Spot On for Small Cats Green

Active Constituents: 112.5mg Fluralaner

For small cats 2.6-6.1lbs (1.2-2.8kgs)

Expiry: February 2026


  • Fleas for 3 months.
  • Paralsys ticks for 3 months.
  • Treats and controls ear mites.
  • Safe to use on kittens from 11 weeks of age, weighing at least 2.64lbs (1.2kgs).
  • 2 vials.

Dosage: Bravecto should be administered every three months.

All pet medications offered for sale are classed as OTC (Over the Counter Products) on this site, dispensed from an Australian jurisdiction.

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Bravecto Spot On for Small Cats Green

  • US$49.63
  • Ex Tax: US$49.63